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Beardo is a beard growth maintenance specialist who has also launched a men's skincare collection that includes cleaning products, creams, masks, body washes, serums, and more, as well as a properly designed haircare mix that responds to the many hairstyles and hair types that men are likely to notice. Beardo is usually launched first in Ahmedabad. It's a men's grooming brand and startup that sells beard growth oils, waxes, cleaning agents, and other grooming products. Marico stated in a ruling that the present belonging will be purchased through basic combination and helper buyouts over two years. Marico's takeover of Beardo also helps him to boost his position in the Rs 3,200-crore men's grooming market. Marico is currently offering men's hair gel and moisturizers, which has yet to catch on with women's grooming but is rapidly rising. You get the Beardo discount and Beardo promos every time you visit the Beardo website.
2GUD Regional, according to Flipkart, would help offline retailers, brands, and shopping locations develop a digital presence by aiding them with documentation, customer fulfillment, advertising, and marketing. Today in Bengaluru, the 2GUD app will host the inaugural 2GUD Local experience with KLM Fashion Mall, where users may shop for sarees starting at Rs. 399. Influencers' long-form videos, as well as engaging narratives and dialogues, will be used to duplicate the in-store experience online. On Friday at 4 p.m., the first 2GUD Local event will take place (IST). Customers can virtually shop at well-known local stores using 2GUD Local. A new marketing tool will be available to KLM Fashion Mall and other potential partners. according to Flipkart, as well as technical architecture for customer acquisition. KLM Fashion Mall was named the "Affordable Store of the Year" by Times Icon, and it is known for 2GUD's discount value-driven discounts.
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